The Buddy Program

The Buddy Program involves pairing students within the same class to build community and support through the entire medical student journey.

The Process

Interested first year students are matched with a "buddy" within their year of medical school. This student is intended to be a person in the same academic year and will be separate from their assigned mentor. The purpose of this program is to expand the network of support each student has, creating a strong community within each class of students. 

Applications are sent to students within the first few months of their first semester. Once matched, buddies will be able to participate in an "incentive" program to help kickstart their match. 

What the members say:

"It has given me a chance to meet someone who I personally think is a wonderful individual that I otherwise might not have interacted with often" 

"I got so lucky with my buddy being a perfect match and I think we both surprised ourselves with how much we get along. I love learning new things about them every time we hang out and it's been one of the strongest connections I've made at school"
"Surprisingly, I met someone who is a lot like me but also not a lot like me. I don't think we would have been friends otherwise but I love spending time with my buddy and getting to know them. I hope we continue to hang out"